Nvidia CEO Asked not to learn coding because AI, Big MNC exec Pointed Massive layoffs in Tech sector

Artificial Intelligence become a central player in our daily life, be it personal or professional. In Recent Months, we have also seent the impact of AI on the job market, which is not positive. Big tech Giants like Google, Meta and Amazon have layed off thousands of people in just 2024. This impact has recently resurfaced by two famous industry leaders, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and Infosys Exec Vice president Satish H C,  Stating the impact of AI will have on employment. Here is summary concluded  in 5 points.

-Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang has suggested that its quite possible that AI could soon make coding, and impact jobs of programmers. In his way, we can say that rise of AI will give opportunity to write complex software program without having any experience in programming. This can genereate huge opportunities for non tech graduate and other professionals to enhance their digital skill and open new doors of opportunities in programming areas, By this fact we can say that AI could replace coders.

“Over the last 10-15 years, almost everybody who sits on a stage like this would tell you that it is vital that your children learn computer science, everybody should learn how to program. In fact, it is almost exactly the opposite. It is our job to create computing technology such that nobody has to program, and that the programming language is human. Everybody in the world is now a programmer. This is the miracle of AI,” Huang said.

-On the other side Infosys executive Vice President  Satish H C agreed with this but on other front. He stated that AI will lead to fewer jobs in the future. He also predicted that emerging technologies such as generative AI, Deep learning, Machine Learning will prompt companies to become more efficient without more human intervention, It will reducing the manual working hours and can complete the specific projects in given time frame.

-Both leaders are agree that AI will create a huge impact on repetitive jobs, support jobs and some how software programming jobs as well. Nvidia CEO emphasized the empowerment of individuals through technology, suggesting that AI might lead to a world where everyone is capable of programming. On the other hand, Satish H C’s viewpoint paints a picture of job displacement and reduced demand for traditional workforce in the face of technological advancements.

-Nvidia CEO’s words were echoed by former CTO Oculus VR John Carmack “Coding was never the source of value, and people shouldn’t get overly attached to it. Problem-solving is the core skill. The discipline and precision demanded by traditional programming will remain valuable transferable attributes, but they won’t be a barrier to entry,” according to X post responding to Huang’s video. “I suspect that I will enjoy managing AIs more, even if they wind up being better programmers than I am,” he added.

– As per Jensen Huang’s point of views the preset Ai scenario represents an optimistic era where AI equips individuals with new skills and capabilities. Satish H C’s analysis acknowledges the real possibility of job displacement and the need for companies to adapt to this new technological reality. The broader implication is that AI’s impact on the job market will be multifaceted. Some roles may become obsolete as AI becomes more sophisticated, but new opportunities will emerge for those willing to upskill and adapt to the changing landscape. In the end, the evolution of AI will require both individuals and companies to be proactive in learning new skills and accepting technological advancements to remain competitive in the job market.